R.J. Beck 30″ /8 #1527, c.1865, cover 20×22, brass barrel, (8) original waterhouse stops, flange, cap, Ex++ $1995.
Voigtlander APO-Skopar 75cm /9 #3267933, c.1951, cover 20×24, black barrel, Deardorff board, cap, Mint- $1895.
Kodak Aero-Ektar 24“ /6 #EE1527, c.1944, cover 9×18”, barrel w/o aperture blades and mount, RADIOACTIVE, 7lb, Ex- $325.
Bausch & Lomb AERO-Tessar 24“ /6 #MA1379R, cover 9×18”, barrel w/o aperture blades and mount, non-coated, 10lb, Ex- $250.
Schneider Repro-Claron 600 /9 #7985919, cover 20×24, black barrel, flange, Ex++ $545.
Kodak Copying Ektanon 211/4 ” /11 #EI534, c.1949, cover 16×20, 560mm image circle, black barrel, flange, Ex+ $225.
Bausch & Lomb Telephoto Anastigmat 20″/5.6 #VF8820R, barrel, non-coated, front cap, Ex+ $225.
Hunter-Penrose Penray Hilite 18″ /11, cover 11×14, barrel, special iris, non-coated, Ex- $295.
Gundlach Achromatic Meniscus PORTRAIT 15″ /6 #81274, brass barrel ONLY, flange, Ex $350.
Hunter-Penrose 15″ /10, black barrel, for “photo engraving camera”, special iris, non-coated, Ex $245.
Bausch & Lomb Planatograph 13″/8, cover 8×10, Premo shutter, flange, Ex+ $145.
Peerless PORTRAIT Lens 12″ /4 #251, c.1870, brass barrel, rack & pinion focus, (2) waterhouse stops, hood, FULLY RESTORED, Mint/Mint- $1645.
Kodak Commercial Ektar 14″ /6.3 #RS312, c.1947, chrome barrel, cap, flange, Ex+ $375.
Oscar Zwierzina Kunst PORTRAIT OBJECTIVE Plasticca 300/4 #18901, c.1920, Series B, brass barrel, cap, flange, leather box, Ex++ $2495.
Russian Industar 300/4.5 #640210, covet 8×10″, black barrel lens, front cap, Mint- $195.
Laack Rathenow Dialytar 30cm/4.5 #193177, Germany, cover 8×10, Series T, black barrel, flange, Ex- $175.
Darlot Opticien Paris 111/4“ /3.6 #28.393, c.1866, brass PETZVAL, rack & pinion focusing, (3) waterhouse stops, flange, Ex $995.
Burke & James The IDEAL 101/2” /6, cover 61/2 x 81/2″, series D, brass, w/o aperture blades, w/o flange, Ex $275.
NO NAME brass PETZVAL101/2 “ /3.3, cover 8×10, brass barrel, radial focusing, (7) waterhouse stops, hood, flange, Ex $995.
Konica Rokuoh-Sha Hexar 25cm/4.5 #53573, cover 8×10, Tokyo, black barrel, non-coated, focusing mount, Ex- $HOLD
E.Suter Aplanat A 93/4“ /6.5 #3838, cover 9×7″, brass, w/o waterhouse stops, flange, Ex $225.
Spencer Port-Land 9” /4.5 #646, c.1911, Buffalo NY, mounted in Ilex #4 shutter, original barrel, rear cap, Ex++ $1295.
Voigtlander 5B PETZVAL 83/4“ /2.8 #24047, c.1877, cover 6×8, brass, (3) waterhouse stops, hood, w/o flange, Ex $1395.
Wray London 81/2” /8 #5608, cover 5×7, brass barrel, custom Wista board, hood, Ex+ $195.
Kodak Anastigmat (Ektar) 203/7.7 #EM151, c.1943, cover 4×5, non-coated, black barrel, Ex $95.
Gundlach Optical Symmetrical Wide-Angle 8″ #72728, cover 8×10, brass barrel, aperture wheel, flange, front leather cap, Ex+ $195.
Ica Extra-Rapid-Aplanat “Helios” 20cm/8 #335411, Germany, cover 5×7, black focusing barrel, non-coated, Ex $150.
Moia lens 71/4” /12.5 #147, Germany, cover up to 8×10, series VIII, non-coated, brass barrel, Ex $145.
Ross Wide-Angle Symmetrical 7″ /8 #71635, cover 8×10, non-coated, Ex- $145.
Schneider Xenar type D 18cm/3.5 #217334, non-coated, black barrel, front leather cap, Ex++ $325.
C.C. Harrison New York 170mm/3 #6638, c.1859, brass Petzval type, radial focusing, w/o waterhouse stops, flange, hood, front cap, Ex $3495.
Ernemann Ernotar 16.5cm/4.5 #107249, non-coated, focusing barrel, Graphic board, Ex $145.
Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Wide-Angle 6″ #80951, cover 8×10, brass barrel, aperture wheel, flange, Ex+ $195.
Cooke PORTRAIT Anastigmat 18 (460mm) /5.6 #192648, cover 11×14, series VI, “knuckles” soft focus, brass, hood, w/o flange, cap, Ex+ $4395.
Cooke PORTRAIT Anastigmat 15 1/2” (393mm) /5.6 #232439, cover 10×12, series VI A, “knuckles” soft focus, brass, hood, flange, Ex+ $3895.
Cooke PORTRAIT Anastigmat 15 1/2” (393mm) /5.6 #127843, cover 10×12, series VI, “knuckles” soft focus, brass, hood, flange, caps, Ex++ $3895.
Cooke PORTRAIT Anastigmat 15″ (380mm) /4.5 #202157, cover 10×12, series IIB, “knuckles” soft focus, brass, hood, flange, cap, Ex $3895.
Cooke PORTRAIT Lens 141/2“ (370mm) /4.5 #108862, cover 8×10, series II, brass, hood, flange, cap, leather case, Ex++ $3795.
Cooke Telephoto Lens 121/2“ (320mm) /5.8 #86691, cover 4×5, black barrel, cap, Ex/Ex- $145.
Cooke Telephoto Anastigmat 121/2“ (320mm) /5.6 #126900, cover 4×5, series VIII, black barrel, cap, Ex/Ex- $150.
Cooke PORTRAIT Anastigmat 101/2“ (267mm) /4.5 #101367, cover 6×8, series II, brass, Alpax #5 shutter, flange, cap, Ex $1345.
Cooke PORTRAIT Anastigmat 101/2“ (267mm) /4.5 #147591, cover 6×8, series IIC, brass black painted, flange, cap, Ex $1245.
Cooke PS945 PORTRAIT 9“ (229mm) /4.5 #0168, MC, cover 4×5, black Copal #3, Cooke metal caps, box, Mint $8995.
Cooke Lens 7.8″ (200mm) /6.5 #1445H, cover 5×7, brass barrel, flange, Ex- $150.
Dallmeyer Dallon Tele-Anastigmat 20″ /5.6 #122983, cover 5×7″, non focusing barrel, non-coated, (24) aperture blades, Ex $345.
Dallmeyer 5D Portrait PETZVAL 19″ (480mm)/6 #66355, c.1903, cover 8×10, brass barrel, (5) waterhouse stops, hood, flange, cap, CLA’d 2023, Ex+ $3495.
Dallmeyer Telephoto 17″ /5.6 #498954, cover 5×7, coated, black barrel, Graflex board, Ex+ $295.
Dallmeyer Dallon Tele-Anastigmat 17″ /5.6 #290554, cover 5×7, black barrel, non-coated, caps, Ex $245.
Dallmeyer 3D 121/2 ” /6 #76422, c.1908, cover 6×8, brass barrel, flange, Ex $1095.
Dallmeyer Dallon Tele-Anastigmat 14″ /5.6 #215706, cover 4×5, non-coated, black barrel, Graflex board, Ex $225.
Dallmeyer Dallon Tele-Anastigmat 12″ /7.7 #180311, coated, older Prontor #0 shutter, Ex++ $225.
Dallmeyer 3D 121/2 ” /6 #76422, cover 6×8″, c.1908, brass barrel, flange, Ex $1095.
Dallmeyer #2 Dallon Telephoto 12″ /5.6 #103722, series VI, cover 4×5, non-coated, black barrel, Ex- $175.
Dallmeyer #1 Dallon Telephoto 11″ /5.6 #102820, series VI, cover 4×5, non-coated, black barrel, Ex $175.
Dallmeyer 1A 10″ /4 #111555, cover 5×7″, c.1925, black barrel, frond glass separation, Graphic Super D board, Ex- $1295.
Dallmeyer Pentac 8″ /2.9 #015778, cover 5×7, Military A.M. 14A/780, non-coated, black barrel, flange, Ex- $495.
Dallmeyer #4 Stigmatic 8″ /6 #59585, c.1899, cover 5×7, series II, non-coated, older Acme Shutter, CLA’d, Ex $295.
Dallmeyer Pentac 3″ /2.9 #422678, cover 6x6cm, coated, black barrel, flange, Ex++ $425.
Pinkham & Smith Visual Quality Series IV 15″ /4.5, c.1920, cover 8×10, III 2001,aluminum barrel, Wollensak Studio #3, Ex+ $5995.
Pinkham Bi-Quality 14″ /4.5 #150, c.1950, cover 8×10, original front cap, flange, Deardorff board, Ex++/Mint- $4995.
Pinkham & Smith Synthetic #2 111/2” /5 #2745, c.1920, cover 5×7, Series VI, black paint barrel, flange, cap, Ex++ $3995.
Pinkham & Smith Synthetic #1 101/4” /5 #2702, c.1920, cover 5×7, Series VI, black paint barrel, flange, Ex+ $3795.
Pinkham & Smith Synthetic #1 10″ /5 #2548, c.1920, cover 4×5, Series VI, black paint barrel, flange, Ex++ $3795.
Pinkham & Smith Synthetic #1 81/4” /5 #2350, c.1920, cover 4×5, Series VI, black paint barrel, flange, Ex++ $3495.
Rapax #0 shutter, empty aperture scale, 30mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex $75.
Graphex #0 shutter, f/4.7 aperture scale, 30mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex $75.ea
Copal #0 shutter, chrome selector ring, empty aperture scale, flange, box, Mint- $150.
Prontor-Press #1 shutter, empty aperture scale, flange, Ex++ $75.
Copal Press #1 shutter, f/6.3, flange, box, Ex/Ex- $75.
Copal #1 shutter, chrome selector ring, f/6.3 aperture scale, flange, Mint- $150.
Vintage “button” Compur #1 shutter, f/6.8 aperture scale, 39mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex $100.
Vintage “button” Compur #1 shutter, f/4.5 aperture scale, 39mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex $100.
Vintage “button” Compur #1 shutter, f/4.5 aperture scale, 39mm front and rear openings, synch, flange, Ex++ $125.
Vintage “button” Compur #1 shutter, empty aperture scale, 39mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex++ $125.
Vintage “button” Compur #1 shutter, f/7.7 aperture scale, 39mm front and rear openings, synch, flange, CLA’d, Ex++ $125.
Rapax #1 shutter, f/8 aperture scale, 38mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex $100.
Graphex #1 shutter f/5.6 aperture scale, 38mm front and rear openings, flange, Ex $100.
Betax #5 shutter, f/4.5 aperture scale, 72mm front and rear openings, flange, Mint- $275.
Universal #5 shutter, w/o aperture scale, 74mm front and rear openings, flange, Mint- $HOLD